Simplify Access To Care
Improve patient satisfaction.
Patients are looking for convenient, quality care they can trust. PrimaHealth, in association with healthcare industry leaders and providers, provides a telemedicine platform (“TeleHealth”) that gives healthcare organizations the flexibility to deliver high-quality care to their patients anytime, anywhere. Organizations using TeleHealth increase patient satisfaction, patient retention, and revenue. In fact, on average, organizations using TeleHealth see patient satisfaction rates of 96.4%.
Treat Your Patient Anytime, Anywhere.
Increase revenue.
This year your company will lose approximately $150,000 in revenue, per provider, due to patient no-shows and cancellations. That figure doesn’t even account for uncollectable funds and after hour visits that you may not be getting paid for. TeleHealth reduces no-shows and cancellations and allows you to get paid for after hour calls. The impact? The TeleHealth customer sees a significant revenue increase per provider, annually.
Streamline Your Workflows
Treat more patients.
Did you know, only 27% of your staff’s day-to-day work is dedicated to patient care? Between scheduling, intake, billing, collections and everything else they’re tasked with, it’s no wonder. The results? Less face time with patients, increased wait times to get an appointment and a subpar patient experience. So how do you care for more patients and still provide a personal touch? TeleHealth workflows allow your organization to save office staff and providers 30-45 minutes per encounter by allowing patient self-scheduling, managing patient intake and eliminating collections.